
Partner is an organization which is aiming to support the World Food Safety Day strategically and play and an advisory role but without any commercial interest. These organizations can be from local, regional and international but must be a stakeholder in the food safety, security and sustainability.

This category is mainly suitable for regulatory bodies, academia, research organizations, professional societies, media, hotels, regional and international organizations having an interest and stake in food chain. 

Both parties may require to get into written agreement, if required, otherwise an informal consent over the email or WhatsApp shall be sufficient. 


  1. This role doesn’t required specific time and efforts to make the World Food Safety Day events successful but just professional support. 
  2. Partner’s main role is to support professionally to the World Food Safety Day events to the extent possible and suitable as per their capacity and capabilities
  3. Partners shall nominate a person from the staff as a “Contact Person” to manage day to day activities.
  4. Partners shall be nominate a senior person from leadership team to be member of “Advisory Board”.
  5. Partners shall be nominate a technical staff to be member of “Technical Committee”.
  6. Partners shall be nominate a senior staff to be member of “Executive Council”.
  7. Partners can recommend any topic and title to be addressed in the conference and workshops
  8. Partners can nominate and / or recommend any speaker and / or workshop presenters
  9. Partner and partner’s professional associates can attend the WFSD events at any location
  10. Partners can chair the session and can moderate any workshop at any location
  11. Partner shall be supporting to WFSD management to get sponsors wherever possible
  12. Partners can place their banners, posters and any brand material during the WFSD events
  13. Partners can support during the events by nominating some volunteers, if possible
  14. Partner will be enlisted in the World Food Safety Day website and will be awarded as a “Certificate of Partnership” and a “Partnership Shield” by the WFSD Management.

Research Partners