
The main objective of food safety day is to protect consumers of food products from foodborne diseases or injuries related to food consumption. Foodborne illnesses are a major threat to food businesses and affect everyone all over the world as a result of inadequate food safety.

The World Food Safety Day enactment is targeting the below mentioned performance and achievement from food chain stakeholders: 


  1. Design all public procurement of food, such as food aid, school feeding and other publicly owned food outlets, so that consumers can access safe and healthy foods.
  2. Support policy measures and legal frameworks to strengthen the national food safety system and ensure it complies with food safety standards.
  3. Encourage and engage in multisectoral collaboration at the local, national, regional and global levels.


  1. Engage employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to grow and develop a food safety culture.
  2. Comply with international food standards. 


  1. Promote safe food handling.
  2. Engage with families and involve families in food safety activities.
  3. Support food safety education.


A) Practice safe food handling at home and follow WHO’s Five Keys to Safer Food: 

  1. keep clean, 
  2. separate raw and cooked, 
  3. cook thoroughly, 
  4. keep food at safe temperatures
  5. use safe water and raw materials

B) Keep informed and promote food safety.